Vocabulary Standards View

Curriculum Standards View for Honors CS1 and Code.org CS Discoveries

Vocabulary for Mr. Smith's Honors Computer Science 1 course

Below is the entire mapping of standards in this set, managed by Orion Smith.

Some standards are hyperlinks: clicking on them will activate a vocabulary review game which can be done in small groups. For a full description of how the game works, go to the bottom of this page.

Return to list of vocabulary standard sets
CodeHS_Python CodeHS Intro Python A full-year course introducing the Python programming language to students.
CSD Unit 1 Problem Solving Unit 1 is a highly interactive and collaborative introduction to the field of computer science, as framed within the broader pursuit of solving problems. You’ll practice using a problem solving process to address a series of puzzles, challenges, and real world scenarios. Next, you’ll learn how computers input, output, store, and process information to help humans solve problems. The unit concludes with a project in which you design an application that helps solve a problem of your choosing.
CSD Unit 3 Interactive Games and Animations In the Interactive Games and Animations unit, students build on their coding experience as they create programmatic images, animations, interactive art, and games. Starting off with simple, primitive shapes and building up to more sophisticated sprite-based games, students become familiar with the programming concepts and the design process computer scientists use daily. They then learn how these simpler constructs can be combined to create more complex programs. In the final project, students develop a personalized, interactive program. Along the way, they practice design, testing, and iteration, as they come to see that failure and debugging are an expected and valuable part of the programming process.
EarSketch EarSketch Online Audio Programming EarSketch is an online environment which allows programmers to write code that becomes sample-driven musical compositions.
PL Chapters ProgrammedLessons Chapters Textbook chapter vocabulary from "Introduction to Computer Science using Java" by Bradley Kjell
   PL 05 Introduction to Java Basics of JVM, bytecode, java source and class files
   PL 06 Small Java Programs Small example programs Names for source files and class files Syntax errors Bugs The Edit, Compile, and Run cycle Matching braces Neat indenting
   PL 08 Primitive Data Data Types Primitive Data vs. Objects The Eight Primitive Data Types of Java Numeric Data Types Character and Boolean Data Types
   PL 09 Variables and the Assignment Statement How to store variable data as bit patterns and save that data in references with labels
   PL 10 Expressions and Arithmetic Operators Integer operations and floating point operations to create expressions that resolve mathematically
   PL 11 Object Data Objects and how to use them
   PL 19 Loops Most modern machines work by endlessly repeating the same motions.
   PL 60 Arrays When data is organized into arrays and processed in loops, a relatively small program can handle a vast amount of data.

Vocabulary Game Directions

Student setup

Arrange the students into groups of 2-6 such that all but one student can see the screen, and one cannot. Then, click on a standard to play the game with associated terms.

Playing the game

Upon loading the game for a standard, you will see a screen like the following:

Screenshot of vocabulary game

Students who can see the screen should attempt to describe the term to the student who cannot see it. The describing students should describe using words other than those in the term itself, and also avoid saying the "prohibited terms" listed underneath it. Descriptions should avoid phrases such as "sounds like," and should use academic descriptors in order to reinforce academic understandings.

If none of the describing students know the term well enough to describe it, scroll down and find a definition of the term at the bottom of the page.

Every so often, switching up which student is guessing within groups is a great idea.

When the guessing student successfully guesses the term in question, click on it to see another in the same set. Terms are randomly ordered, and will "loop around" to the beginning of the set once the last term in the set is clicked on.

This activity is intended to be a quick, high-engagement vocabulary learning or vocabulary review strategy to last from 5-15 minutes. It can be stretched out longer by having students toggle between multiple standards. Students can get back to the list of standards by clicking on the Back to standards link on the game page.